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What's Up @Errington April 15th to 19th

A logo of a eagle with claws

Description automatically generatedJ.T. Errington Elementary

9831 Herbert Rd, Richmond, BC, V7A 1T6

604-668-6699  I

Principal: Mr. A. Ferguson





Dear Errington Eagle Families,


Happy Friday!  It was a full five days at school this week and I think everyone is ready for a couple of days to rest and recharge.


The week began in the rain which meant that we missed out seeing the effect of the Lunar Eclipse in the local sky.  Many classes followed the NASA coverage of the eclipse as the “Path of Totality” moved across the southern US and Eastern Canada.  Maybe next time the weather will co-operate. . .although it is 20+ years until then.


All of the intermediate students participated in the annual Track Attack rotations, when the sun came out, where they had an opportunity to try out the variety of competitions for the District Zone Track Meet on May 21st.  Sport specific practice will be starting soon and students will need to arrange their lunch breaks, before and after school times depending on the schedules.


Please note the April PAC Meeting for parents is planned for Thursday at 9:15a, we hope many of you will be able to join us in person or online:


Microsoft Teams

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 273 599 261 910

Passcode: bf76Uy

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.


Be safe, be active and get outside!




Andrew Ferguson (he/him/his)

Principal, Errington Elementary School

9831 Herbert Road, Richmond, BC, V7A 1T6

P: 604-668-6699 ext. 1812



The Richmond Board of Education acknowledges and thanks the First Peoples of the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓  (hun-ki-meen-um) language group on whose traditional and unceded territories we teach, learn and live.


Updated: Friday, April 19, 2024